On Copper Wings is a film made by insects. No individual insects are
listed in association with it - it is thought that hundreds of millions
of insects worked on this production. The movie tells the story of the
insect creation myth, which involves the insect development of
science and technology, insects time traveling to 450 million years
ago to rescue the early proto-insects from the
Ordovician-Silurian extinction event, and genetically modifying them
to be more competitive.
The film is very difficult to follow for a human audience. Some
sequences are thought to represent the perspective of an insect
hive, rather than an individual insect. Much of the film also respresents
idealized versions of things, which, since we have no idea what
ideals insects possess, are completely abstract and mysterious to
the human viewer.
To the best of our current understanding, the movie depicts the

The introduction is some combination of back-history of pre-rational
insect life, and the first beginnings of insect intellectual persuits.
The dawn of insect rationalism.

We have no idea what this represents. There are images of centipedes,
which are myriapoda not insects, so perhaps this is where
insects discover their ancient biological history, and decide
to modify it.

There is now a long sequence of the development of insect alchemy.
Insect alchemy is primarily based on insect biology.
That is, modifications & manipulations of body chemistry, rather
than lab work with external chemicals. There are a lot of shots
of wasp nests and moth wings in this. We think that moths in
particular were leaders in this era of insect history, and that most
of the research was carried out on wasp larvae.

We next see a series of abstract bits hinting at DNA, representing
the insect's mastering of genetic modification techniques.

Up to this point, insect science has been very uniquely insect - using
the various tools and technologies available from the natural insect
world. Body chemistry, exoskeletons, nests, etc. However, to develop
time travel, the insects need to first develop high-frequency electronic
circuitry. This shows that history, or perhaps, a snapshot of insect
electronic technology at the period just before they begin to travel
back to the Ordovician.

The insects now travel back in time to 450 million years ago, and
rescue the proto-insects which have recently split from crustaceans,
from the rapidly approaching Ordovician-Silurian extinction event.

They arrive at 450 million years ago in south-western Avalonia, which
was an island at that point. The rock images might be hinting at the
tectonic activity of that era - the formation of Gondwana, etc.

The Ordovician-Silurian extinction event itself is a major sequence in
the film, demonstrating its continued importance in insect society. In
fact, what little we know about the original release of the movie is
that it was extremely controversial because insect audiences considered
this scene to be incredibly offensive and shocking. We also know that
close to one million insects died getting the footage for this scene.
The Ordovician-Silurian extinction event is called "The Lost Time" by
Aside: it is apparently widely believed by insect scientists that
the Cambrian Explosion was caused by a similar genetic modification
program run by time-traveling cephalopods.

After the extinction event, the rest of the movie is basically "and
everyone lived happily ever after". However, there is a clear sequence of
four scenes: natural, technological, natural, and technological again,
which possibly relate to major periods of insect history. We don't
know anything about this subject, so it's impossible to even
guess what kind of timescale is being portrayed - it might all take
place in the Silurian period, it might represent history up to the
present, or it might be depicting expected future insect progress.
It might not even be chronological, but instead show the diversification
of the insect world, genetically or perhaps culturally. More research is
It was initially assumed that the title of the film, "On Copper Wings",
referred to the electronic circuitry that allowed the insects to "fly"
across time. However, we have discovered that this is not the case. No
other explanation has been suggested.
By Dave Fischer.